Our therapist is experienced in a wide range of therapeutic techniques, and tailors communication plans specific to the needs of the individual child and the wider family.
Video Based Coaching
We offer a video coaching approach to create a personalised, evidence-based, effective therapy programme.
Videos let you slow down and rewatch tiny moments, highlighting the skills you and your child already have, and building on those pivotal moments for future success.
Empowered adults make the biggest changes to their child's life.
PECS and Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)
Some children with little or developing verbal language benefit from alternative methods of communication.
Our therapist can help you work out whether this approach is right for you and your family, and get you set up for use in the home and in school.
Behaviour Support
When a child or teenager uses behaviour that challenges, they are trying to communicate a vital message while very stressed. It could be to get something they need, to escape something that is causing them distress, or to tell you that they are overwhelmed.
We can facilitate you to explore the behaviour, what it might mean for your child, and then find them an easy way to communicate the same message safely and quickly.
Personal Coaching
Raising a child with developmental difficulties is a unique experience, and it can make every day life highly stressful at times. It is natural to focus on your child’s needs, and forget about the effect of stress on your life.
We offer a range of tools to help you feel less overwhelmed, and move forward in new, self-compassionate and empowered ways.
We also offer:
Early Intervention advice
Intensive Interaction
Communication for Children with Complex Needs
LAMP therapy
PACT therapy
Attention Autism
Emotional Regulation strategies
Lego Therapy
Interactive Storytelling
Signing: On-body (Canaan-Barrie and TASSELS) and Sign Supported English
SCERTS Assessments and Planning
Eating and drinking support
Sessions can be carried out in the comfort of your own home, and most are available as parent coaching via video conferencing software (Skype or Zoom). We offer a range of packages to suit your needs - each package is individually tailored based on the services required.