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There is so much pressure to be a “super-parent” or “outstanding teacher”, and not enough support to cope with the challenges that come your way. We’re here to give you some solutions. 


We want to work with you to provide the support you actually need, rather than just standard Speech Therapy sessions. At Sage, we specialise in early communication development, social interaction approaches and challenging behaviour support.


Our therapist teaches you - your child’s key people - how to help your child communicate and how to find happier, calmer lives all round. We use a mixture of training, coaching and our online community to give you skills, support and a tribe of people who ‘get it’.

Upcoming Talks, Training and Workshops


My child has been extremely misunderstood over the past few years. Anna was able to see past her “masking” and see where she struggled to engage. I felt relieved that we had a clear and accurate account of my child and some very relevant advice regarding support. The report gave lovely references to existing support too. 


Moving forward, I hope this helps school staff to better understand my child, and give her the support she needs to progress and better enjoy her time in school. 

- Karen, Mum

Well presented, knowledgeable trainer. Enjoyable, even when taking us out of our comfort zone. 

- Alison, Mum

Anna made an instant connection with our child and he engaged with her happily. After a detailed assessment both at school and at home we had a long talk with Anna to find some strategies and make a plan for helping develop our son’s communication over the coming weeks and months. Anna put us both at ease and explained things in a clear and simple way – we are already having results with some of the strategies highlighted to us. We feel far more positive about our son and his future and can’t wait to get started with therapy sessions.

- Drew, Dad

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Your support shouldn't stop when business hours do.

Find space to talk, supportive solutions and a tribe of people who 'get it' at the Port in the Storm.

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